Andrew has been enjoying bath time. He loves the water and enjoys kicking. Billy took these pictures and I thought they were too cute to not share. Enjoy!
Enjoying the swing! (the actual cover was being washed but no complaint from Andrew, the blanket worked well as a backup)
I love this little half grin!
ANDREW IS 2 MONTHS OLD!! 12 lb 6 oz (50-75%) 23 in (50%)
It is hard to believe Andrew is already two months old. He is such a joy. He is a very easy going baby and when he does cry he is easily consoled with his paci and holding chest to chest. He has really started to smile a lot. His smiles melt my heart. He recognizes our voices and likes to look at his toys. Some of his favorite activities are swinging, being in his bouncer, being on the diaper changing table (the only time he likes to be on his back), and being on the floor on his tummy with his paci. He still is not the best car rider but is getting better. He also likes to sit up and stand.(with help of course :) ) He has very strong neck and legs. We also found out today he is very tough. He hardly cried during his shots and the small amount of crying that did occur was short lived. The doctor said he was doing great! He is still having eye drainage due to stenosis so we are going to start antibiotic drops again. Hopefully with time he should outgrow this and not have to have surgery like his cousin Luke.
Andrew you are a special little man and we are enjoying watching you become you. We Love You!
Happy Valentines Day! We hope your day is as cool as ours. Cool Andrew
Cool Logan
My Cool Table
With a two month old and a 2 1/2 year old going out on a fancy date was really not in the plan this year. So I opted to have our fancy dinner at home. I decorated the table and planned a yummy dinner.
The menu: chicken lasagna, green beans, salad, breadsticks and chocolate chip cookies and candy for dessert!
Logan reading his name on his Valentine. He was especially excited about the dessert and even was found sneaking a cookie before dinner :)
Daddy and Logan admiring the Valentine Logan made for Daddy.
Mommy and Logan sitting down and quenching our thirst after working hard preparing the dinner (well maybe just Mommy I think Logan needed the milk to wash down the cookie he sneaked earlier :))
Logan enjoyed showing Luke his fish. I think Luke liked them! :)
Luke and Logan having fun in the tent. My living room looked like a explosion of toys had gone off. These boys had lots of fun playing together. They are fun to watch. They did pretty well with only an occasional hit or push which to their dislike ended in a few time outs for both.
Taking a break from running around to catch up on some reading.
Learning time!
Present time! Since sickness hit our families we did not get to open presents with the Weeds. Here is sweet Luke playing with the ribbon from his present.
Luke and Logan trying out Luke's new cars.
I loved having Auntie Am and Luke come to visit. Our visits are definitely different now that we have children. We noticed conversations were much harder and never were finished without many interruptions. However we did not let the chattering, banging, singing, yelling, crying, whining, laughing, learning, reading, disciplining, talking, pulling, pushing, hitting, spilling, playing, spitting, burping, cleaning, cooking, straightening, pottying, building, bathing, dressing or diapering hold us back too much. :) We love you Auntie Am and Luke and can't wait til you come again. :)
Ahhhh......our Mommy likes to take a lot of pictures!
Logan holding Andrew. Logan wanted to smile with his eyes closed :)
Sweet brothers. Logan is always saying "let me see my brother"
Sweet grin
Andrew slept great in the hotel. He slept 7 hours straight!! However when we got back home he went back to only 4-5 hours. I guess there is some truth to needing to get a hotel room to get some sleep ;)
Andrew's corner of the hotel. He loves to listen to his classical music played by the star in the corner of his bed. We took that everywhere we went.
Logan enjoying his "special bed" at the "hoteellll" (said with a very country accent by Logan)
Andrew does not like to sleep on his back. I have found that if I tilt him to his side in his swing or in his carseat he does much better. This trick along with playing his music box made our car ride to Austin a lot easier.
Logan and Mommy have had lots of fun coloring. Logan loves to color trains. He does very well coloring. See the green tracks below his arm. That is Logan staying in the lines :)
See our collection hanging on the bar for Daddy to see when he got home.
Andrew has really gotten mobile in his bed. I have found him multiple times in a different spot then where I left him.
Daddy and Logan playing trains. Logan loves his trains and is constantly asking "Will you play trains with me?"
Where is Andrew? He was fussing in the boppy while I was trying to get ready so I just flipped him over and he was happy. (I was cold the night before so my bed was full of blankets :) ) He is so content on his tummy with his paci.
Logan enjoying bouncing outside.
Logan having fun running outside.
Andrew loves to kick and smile in his bouncer.
Logan had fun playing with Andrew while he was in the bouncer.
Sweet grin and chubby cheeks!
Tired after church. Still loves to sleep on his tummy.
Andrew has started enjoying being on his back and playing
Andrew loves this music box. He has such a strong neck.
I am a follower of Christ who strives to serve Him in all that I do. I have a wonderful husband and two very smart and sweet little boys, Logan and Andrew.