Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Andrew is loving whole milk! He is almost weaned.

Billy took this picture the other morning. I had left for work and both boys joined him for a extra hour or so of sleep before they started the day.

Margy kept the boys and gave both the boys a treat. Chocolate Ice Cream.
As soon as I asked Logan about their day he told on Margy giving the ice cream to Andrew :) He did say it was just a little bit so he would not feel left out. Margy captured some cute pictures of Andrew's enjoyment.

Logan continues to LOVE chocolate. Margy captured his sweet smile while enjoying chocolate ice cream.

Andrew was extra fussy one night at the dinner table so I gave him a paci while the rest of us finished our meal. It did not take long til we saw this. Poor guy was tired.

Andrew and Logan have recently started to play together. It is so fun to watch. They enjoy riding the bike together. However don't get me wrong there is still plenty of tackling and fights :)

I have started working with Andrew to use a spoon. Yogurt ended up everywhere. Hey it's a start :)

Logan is doing well. He continues to love school and playing with his friends. We have been working on writing his name at home. Here is his work. I think it is GREAT! Such a proud Mama.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas at Nana and Papa's House

We spent New Year's Eve at Billy's parents house. We enjoyed a meal together and a warm cozy fire. Tricia and Sean came over and we opened gifts. To say my boys were spoiled by the number of gifts they received is an understatement. Wow we are blessed. Logan again enjoyed "reading" the tags and passing out gifts. He actually recognized most of the names. We turned Andrew's car seat around for the trip to League City. He loved it. After some playing with toys, running with the dogs and visiting we made our trek back home. As you can see from the last picture the boys were worn out and yes that is all their toys piled high in the back. Thank you Nana and Papa for a wonderful evening and blessing us is so many ways! We love you!

Christmas at GeeGee and Grandpawpaw's

Our Christmas continued as we traveled to Granbury on Christmas eve to GeeGee and Grandpawpaw's house. It was a beautiful drive and definitely memorable to drive with white flakes and "blizzard" like winds blowing. Thankfully it was warm the day before so the roads were not bad until after we arrived.My sister Amber and brother John were also there with their families. This year we bought all the kids matching pj's and cups with their names on them. With 5 kids three and under figuring out who's sippy cup is who's can get a little tricky :) We did get a picture of all five in their pj's. What a challenge that was :) Logan knew about Santa this year but was not really into it and the other kids were still too young. I am sure next year will be filled with letters and leaving cookies out. Christmas morning we woke up to white outside. It was beautiful. It had stopped snowing and the sun was out. After breakfast we bundled up and went to play. It was the first time for Logan to play in snow. The snow was too dry to make snowballs, but a rope and a piece of cardboard made for great fun. Uncle John and Billy had fun pulling Logan around the yard. Later in the day we exchanged gifts. This year Logan was really excited about unwrapping the gifts and even accidently unwrapped one of Luke's. Thankfully Luke is was not upset. Logan then took on the job helping pass out gifts to all, which he loved. The living room was quite busy. It was full of shredded wrapping paper, toys, kids playing, parents trying to free toys from their boxes, shouts of thank you's and your welcomes. We spent the rest of our time their playing with new toys, napping, visiting, attending church and eating. Grandpawpaw got a cute little table for the kids. It was so funny to watch Marley, Luke and Logan enjoy meals together. What a crew, each so different.
Thank you GeeGee and Grandpawpaw for a wonderful Christmas and time together! We love you!