Andrew Scott Mack arrived 12/19/08 @ 11:11 am weighing 7 lbs 10 oz and 19 in long. He is perfect in every way. Logan was excited to introduce everyone to his new brother and look at him from a distance but was not ready to get too close to Andrew in the beginning. He is now touching Andrew's head "gently" and loving to look at him and reminds us to check on him often. He says "I love Andrew" It is too cute. I know some may not be as interested, but for my records I am going to tell my labor story.
We (mainly Logan and myself with Billy trying to fight it) has been sick for over a week with croup, congestion, diarrhea and vomiting. Needless to say being 38 wk pregnant and tired and sick it was not fun. After working twelve hours on Monday 12/15 and going to pick up Logan, Logan decided to throw up in the car on the way home. After a bath and to bed for Logan and assisting Billy clean up the car seat and car I headed to bed very tired and sore and still not feeling the best myself. Throughout the night I contracted off and on nothing regular just enough to not sleep well. I woke up in tears Tuesday morning just exhausted and overwhelmed. My house was dirty and full of germs and I was not ready for Andrew's arrival. So after some tears and phone call to Mom and Amber, they arrived to help that afternoon. Logan seemed to be feeling better and I was having contractions every 5 - 30 min which were not very strong. Mom and Amber cleaned my house and help set up things and wash for Andrew. I had a doctor's appt on Wed 12/17 morning already scheduled and was curious to see if the contractions were doing anything. I was hoping so. I was not sleeping much. When Dr. Gilliland saw me he said "it must be time" Well after checking me (2cm/40/-1) and some discussion and prayer we decided to schedule induction for Friday morning. I continued contracting for the next two days and emotionally felt better with a clean house and preparations made. Thank you so much Mom, Amber and Billy. Health wise Logan and I were also doing better. Thursday night I contracted every 10 min and they were getting closer as we arrived to the hospital at 5 am on Friday morning. At this point the contractions were not very painful at all. On the monitor when they hooked me up I was contracting every 2-4 min. They started my IV and antibiotics and gave me the lowest dose of Pitocin. I was 2cm/60/-1 dilated. Dr Gilliland had some surgery that morning and since I was contracting every 2 min regularly (2.5/50/-1) he decided to hold off breaking my water. He came back around 8 am gave me my epidural left again for about an hour then broke my water. About 30 min after breaking my water Andrew's heart rate dropped to the 50s for about 5 min and gave us a big scare. But by God's grace and answer to our prayers he recovered and shortly afterwards made a quick entrance to the world. I only pushed 3 times and had to wait for Dr Gilliland to get his gloves on. Billy got to cut the cord and we all were thrilled to hear that sweet cry. He looked great when he arrived and I was feeling really good. Overall I really did not experience much pain. Thanks be to God!
Thank you for all of your prayers! More pictures of our time at home to come!
This Potthoff! Congrats yall!! I am excited for you guys!
He is adorable and I miss him and his big brother too!
Congratulations! He is beautiful, and we are so happy for all of you!
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