Sunday, January 25, 2009

Logan's Activities

Logan's Tent
He loves to sleep in his tent.

After reading stories Logan takes his books in his tent "reads" them and when I return...
Logan showing off some of his Christmas presents.
He loves his Thomas shirt and pushing the button (it makes train sounds) The first time he put on his new shoes he said "these are perfect"

Logan "being messy" with his chocolate pudding

He does not let any of it go to waste :)

Logan loves technology already and can navigate Daddy's
I Phone very well ( he teaches Mommy)

Logan's favorite "video" Word World. He loves these and learns so much. He can spells many words and is sounding words out when he does not recognize them. He also loves to dance and sing to the theme song.

These are just a few things going on in our house with Logan. He is a very active 2 1/2 yr old and getting smarter every day. He keeps us on our toes and entertains us often. We love you Logan!

1 comment:

Weed Grandparents said...

I loved reading your blog, Stephanie. What a fine pair of boys you have!

Love, Libby