Sweet Andrew. I love this grin. He loves to sit in the bumbo seat and watch the activities of the house.
Andrew had water for the first time 4/21/09. He was ready and loved it. As you can see :) He kept reaching for more when we would take it away. Also later when I was drinking a glass of milk and hold him he was reaching and wanting a drink. The grabbing everything begins :) We plan on starting rice cereal soon. Probably after his dr appt next week.
Andrew helping Daddy hold the water. We decided to go ahead and give it to him in a sippy cup. He took it great.
Andrew still loves to jump and is getting really good at it. It brings so many memories of Logan jumping in the same spot.
Sweet grin. We have heard an occasional giggle but no real big belly laugh yet. These giggles come with tickling esp at his neck and when you hold him up and let him drop a little (I know this sounds bad just not sure how to describe it but know that no we do not just let him go....it is a guided drop I guess :) )
Who am I??.....cousin Luke :) Andrew loves to gnaw on his fists, suck on his fingers and Drool Drool Drool !!
Andrew enjoying floor time on his blanket made by Grandma. We try to practice rolling over but I have to admit with Logan around Andrew spends not as much time on the floor. However he does enjoy it and even plays for a good amount of time on his tummy. He is so cute in his bed. He now holds his head up good to look around while resting on his elbows
Andrew sleeps on his tummy, actually stays covered up, likes his paci to go to sleep and his fist any other time. He goes to bed between 8-9pm wakes 4-5am to eat (sometimes an extra 2-3am fussy period :( ) then back to sleep til 8:30-9:30am.
Andrew loves his big brother Logan. When he hears him he is always trying to find him. Logan can be rough at times but thankfully Andrew doesn't mind most of the time. It is so cute to hear Logan just randomly come up gently hug Andrew and say "I love my brother" and Logan always has to give him a kiss too.
I put the activity tray on the swing the other day. Andrew is really getting good at holding his toys. He like to take the rings in each of his hands and try to pull them apart. He also likes to take his paci out and play with it. He has not mastered putting it back in though :)
1 comment:
Great pictures and I cannot believe he is 4 months old either! Love the two finger picture. :)
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