Saturday, September 19, 2009

Chair picture

Andrew is 9 months old. He definitely has become so much more busy this past month. He he crawling everywhere (the all fours crawl), pulling up on everything, exploring the house and loving to play. He is still not on much of a time schedule regarding naps and sleep. He takes one long nap a day and usually wakes up 2+ times a night but the time changes daily. Andrew's little wave and "hi" is so cute and makes me smile.He has started eating some solid foods. He ate noodles with us when we had spaghetti and eats Cheerios with Logan in the morning. It is nice to have him in the high chair eating right along with us. His poor little tummy still seems to have issues at times. I pray he will outgrow this soon. Andrew loves Logan. The day with these two is one part listening to them laugh at each other and the other part getting them off of each other. Fun, but very challenging :)

Andrew's balancing act. He is getting pretty steady and has even stood for just a few seconds. However is is much more confident than his body allows at times :)

Enjoying the tent

Saying "Hi"

Grabbing for the camera with a sweet grin :)

Andrew LOVES food. He gets giddy when he sees the puff container :) He is good at pinching with both hands, but does seem to use his left more than his right.

Andrew was not too sure of the tunnel at first, but did eventually follow Logan and enjoyed crawling through.

(yes that is a plastic snake)

Andrew on the move. Just in the last few days before turning nine months Andrew has started to be able to push a walker. He is very wobbly still and definitely needs a spotter, but walking may be nearer in the future than thought ;).


Amber said...

I love you Andrew! What great pictures. I hope you can come see us next week.

Amanda Parsons said...

He has grown so fast it seems! They are both cuties. :)