Tuesday, December 1, 2009


We celebrated Thanksgiving this year with Billy's family. We all gathered at Tricia and Sean's house. The kids had fun decorating their tree and playing football and chase outside. Above are all the grandchildren and their finished product.

Aunt Mary said silly picture this is what I captured. Logan is always ready to make a silly face :)

Papa giving Andrew his first taste of turkey. Andrew is slowly advancing to more solids. Come on teeth!

Not so sure about it. "It's so big and I only have one tooth :)"
He handled the smaller bites better.

Andrew playing with NaNa. See the donut in Andrew's hand. Andrew has started lately liking to have a toy in his hand even while being rocked to sleep. Too cute and funny!

Father and son carving the turkey.

Andrew absolutely loved Tricia's dog Cassie. He would giggle and reach for her. Cassie did so good with his excitement.

The boys taking a break from football for a snack.

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