Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Andrew is loving whole milk! He is almost weaned.

Billy took this picture the other morning. I had left for work and both boys joined him for a extra hour or so of sleep before they started the day.

Margy kept the boys and gave both the boys a treat. Chocolate Ice Cream.
As soon as I asked Logan about their day he told on Margy giving the ice cream to Andrew :) He did say it was just a little bit so he would not feel left out. Margy captured some cute pictures of Andrew's enjoyment.

Logan continues to LOVE chocolate. Margy captured his sweet smile while enjoying chocolate ice cream.

Andrew was extra fussy one night at the dinner table so I gave him a paci while the rest of us finished our meal. It did not take long til we saw this. Poor guy was tired.

Andrew and Logan have recently started to play together. It is so fun to watch. They enjoy riding the bike together. However don't get me wrong there is still plenty of tackling and fights :)

I have started working with Andrew to use a spoon. Yogurt ended up everywhere. Hey it's a start :)

Logan is doing well. He continues to love school and playing with his friends. We have been working on writing his name at home. Here is his work. I think it is GREAT! Such a proud Mama.

1 comment:

Gee Gee said...

Wow! I'm so proud of you Logan! Your name looks great!