Friday, February 5, 2010

Beware Lots of Pictures Below

Oh how I love these boys!

"Is this the face you are looking for when you say smile?"

Hey there's a cute kid in the oven...

...I think I'll give him a kiss!

Logan learning how to put in a new dishwasher.

Andrew enjoying his fake french fry. I see this image a lot lately.

Andrew on the move after church one Sunday!

Logan's interpretation of "Go stand next to brother"

"Okay I'll just sit and smile, but with my way Andrew did not run away"

Enjoying the new soccer goal.

They worked up a sweat playing soccer.

Loving their fancy clothes and shoes...

...not so sure about their mother who wants the perfect picture:)

Little Brother

Big Brother


Andrew singing a song. (Sorry Mom we did not let him use the "real" one)

Andrew has been laughing at himself lately :)

Logan practicing his photography skills :)

Logan's and Mommy's house.

There is nothing like cousin love :)

1 comment:

Amber said...

I had looked at these before, but I enjoyed looking at them all over again this morning. Love you!

Auntie Am