Above, Enjoying looking at himself in the mirror and practicing clasping his fists
Below, Enjoying flying with Daddy and grinning real big when his drool got Daddy
I can't believe Andrew is already three months old. Time is flying by. He is such a joy. He continues to be very laid back. He sleeps well at night 9pm-4am usually then back to sleep til 9ish. Naps and day time feedings are still not as scheduled. Some days he sleeps more than others. Some days he eats more than others. :) I guess this goes with the laid back personality. Now when I say laid back don't get me wrong, we still have fussy and crying moments :) Andrew had found his hands and loves to suck on his fists and practice clasping his hands together. He is drooling like crazy and can make a beautiful spit bubble :). He enjoys being in his boppy while smiling at, kicking and hitting his toys. Andrew still loves to swing and takes a lot of naps there. He has become ticklish and does a cute little grunt series as a laugh. His smile and open mouth grins still melt our hearts. He has not been much of a talker but last night at church was really cooing alot and even maybe a real giggle. He stil likes his paci however when we aren't there to give it to him he is good about using his fist while waiting on us. He is not as fond of music as Logan was but loves it when Logan, Mommy or Daddy sing to him(last night was a song service so maybe that was what was behind all the cooing and smiles :) ) He still loves to be rocked chest to chest with his paci. He loves his baths and has yet to fuss during the bath (only when we take him out). Andrew is very wide eyed and alert and loves to look around. After the 4am feeding he is always all smiles and kicking during his diaper change but amazingly with a little rocking he goes right back to sleep. His poor little eyes esp his left is still clogged and he has had to have antibiotic drops off and on. Please continue to pray that these ducts clear so no surgery is in our future. Well I am sure there is much more I could write about our sweet Andrew but I guess that will be all for now. I better get off the computer and back to paying attention to them.
Days are challenging at times I am not going to lie but I will take the good with the bad and cherish every moment with both my boys. I am so blessed and thank God for our boys.
Days are challenging at times I am not going to lie but I will take the good with the bad and cherish every moment with both my boys. I am so blessed and thank God for our boys.
1 comment:
I agree. What a cutie! He has gotten so big. I love you Andrew!
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