Enjoying the swing! (the actual cover was being washed but no complaint from Andrew, the blanket worked well as a backup)
12 lb 6 oz (50-75%) 23 in (50%)
It is hard to believe Andrew is already two months old. He is such a joy. He is a very easy going baby and when he does cry he is easily consoled with his paci and holding chest to chest. He has really started to smile a lot. His smiles melt my heart. He recognizes our voices and likes to look at his toys. Some of his favorite activities are swinging, being in his bouncer, being on the diaper changing table (the only time he likes to be on his back), and being on the floor on his tummy with his paci. He still is not the best car rider but is getting better. He also likes to sit up and stand.(with help of course :) ) He has very strong neck and legs. We also found out today he is very tough. He hardly cried during his shots and the small amount of crying that did occur was short lived. The doctor said he was doing great! He is still having eye drainage due to stenosis so we are going to start antibiotic drops again. Hopefully with time he should outgrow this and not have to have surgery like his cousin Luke.
Andrew you are a special little man and we are enjoying watching you become you. We Love You!
12 lb 6 oz (50-75%) 23 in (50%)
It is hard to believe Andrew is already two months old. He is such a joy. He is a very easy going baby and when he does cry he is easily consoled with his paci and holding chest to chest. He has really started to smile a lot. His smiles melt my heart. He recognizes our voices and likes to look at his toys. Some of his favorite activities are swinging, being in his bouncer, being on the diaper changing table (the only time he likes to be on his back), and being on the floor on his tummy with his paci. He still is not the best car rider but is getting better. He also likes to sit up and stand.(with help of course :) ) He has very strong neck and legs. We also found out today he is very tough. He hardly cried during his shots and the small amount of crying that did occur was short lived. The doctor said he was doing great! He is still having eye drainage due to stenosis so we are going to start antibiotic drops again. Hopefully with time he should outgrow this and not have to have surgery like his cousin Luke.
Andrew you are a special little man and we are enjoying watching you become you. We Love You!
1 comment:
I love you too little Andrew! Wow! Look at the difference between one and two months! I can't wait to see you. I hope your eye gets better soon!
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