I had trouble getting the chair picture. Andrew just kept wanting to "eat" the elephant. He was not too interested in smiling.
Nana captured this sweet moment while I was at work. After some pleading on Logan's part Nana finally let Logan feed Andrew his bottle. Logan is giving him a kiss as well. Logan is such a great big brother and loved getting to feed Andrew.

Andrew loves to do whatever Logan is doing already. Logan was so sweet and let Andrew watch him play on the computer and was even sweet to him when Andrew dropped his toys on the keyboard. I hope the sweetness continues but know the rough play is coming.
Wow five months already! ( I have a feeling I am going to say this everytime) Andrew is still a very good baby. He loves to sit and watch Logan and even when Logan forgets to be gentle Andrew just takes it with a smile most of the time. Andrew had his first full blown cold this past month. Poor little guy handled it pretty well. It was terrible to hear him cough. He is getting better and better with eating rice cereal. The other night Andrew was fussing after I thought he was done. I decided to give him more. As I was giving him a bite Andrew clearly said "mmmm". It was too cute. He has mastered the tummy to back rolling over but still working on the back to tummy. He can do it but still needs a little help. Andrew has found his tongue. If his fingers are not in his mouth his tongue is out. Andrew is also become our little reacher. He loves to reach for everything. No more trying to do something while holding him. He loves to "help". He has also advanced in the past month in his "talking". After his 4 mth check up doctor visit and us telling the PA that he was not much of a talker. He decided to chatter the whole way home. :) Not sure what that means for the future but we are enjoying the "talks". After some set backs during sickness Andrew is now back to sleeping better at night. Bedtime is between 8-9 pm awake between 4-5 for a feeding then back to sleep til 7:30-9am. Not too bad. He loves his exersaucer, johnny jumper (which he is learning to really move in), bumbo seat and swing. He is still not the best car rider but is getting better. Lately he has not been too fond of people at church holding him. He is definitely a Mama's boy which I will not complain about. He loves to play with toys and can get anything in his hands to his mouth. He loves to suck on his fingers and fist during his wake time but when it comes time to go to sleep he takes his pacifer. (He seems to not perfer a certain finger or fingers) Andrew likes to be rocked to sleep while he buries his head in our chest. (it is so funny his head is face first in my chest) I know I am probably spoiling him by rocking him but it is one of my favorite things to do as a Mommy and I am just treasuring ever moment of cuddle time I get.
1 comment:
Great pictures! What cute boys. I loved reading about Andrew. I WANT to see them NOW!! :)
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