Above is the opposite side of the car from where it was hit (the passenger rear wheel) Not sure where these dent came from. Think the frame must be bent.
Monday Billy was in an accident. He was coming home from Pearland and was hit by an F 150 truck who ran a red light (probably going 50-60 mph) He was hit in the rear driver side of our Honda Civic. The force sent the car spinning and thankfully the car did not hit anything else and Billy walked away with only a bruised wrist. God definitely was with him and I am so thankful he is okay. We were all pretty shook up and it was a long afternoon sitting in the ER awaiting X-rays. Billy parents came over and took care of the boys while I went back and forth from the hospital and home checking on all my boys. I am so thankful for Bill and Diana and all the help they have been to us. Thank you Papa and Nana! Billy is suprisingly doing well yet still is pretty sore. I am just soaking in my reminder that any day can be our last and how close I was to losing my husband. God is Good!!
1 comment:
I am so glad Billy is okay and so sad that this happen.
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