I'd like you to meet "Frankie". This is Logan's new "friend". Papa got this alligator for Logan at Walmart. He loves it and named it himself. Not sure where the name Frankie came from but for an alligator he has been pretty nice and fun to have around.
Andrew is loving to play on the floor more and more. (despite the multiple spit ups that don't seem to bother him) He is also rolling both ways now. I put him on his back on the blanket the other day and off he went.
I turned around for a minute and this is what I saw. He really is not that fast yet but definitely a rolly polly.
Due to Andrew's love for reaching the Bumbo seat was not as safe anymore so Billy got out the highchair. He loved it. I can't believe how big yet so small Andrew looks in it.
Logan has been preferring showers with Daddy these day instead of baths. However he does still enjoy playing in the tub occasionally.
Luke you have a follower. Andrew, even though I think I am in denial, IS a finger sucker. (I just don't look forward to the future when finger sucking will not be cute) However right now I have to say it is pretty cute!
See....cutest boy ever :)
Andrew loves to play here and has even mastered some of the pull and flip parts of the toy.
Today I felt like Andrew was at Curves. I have never been but I heard you go from station to station with each station being timed. Andrew was happy for awhile in the exersaucer, then to to floor, then to the bumbo and to play with thing pictured above and then back to the floor, then diaper change, rocking and down for a nap. Fun times yet busy :) (I know at least he is not mobile, then it will be really busy and he will be in control of the station times. Yikes!)
Logan has been really imaginative lately. For the most part it has been fun for all except when he blames his toys for mishaps. He pretends to talk to everyone on the phone and his little conversation are too cute and surprising familiar. I know who has been listening to his Mommy talk on the phone :) He sat in the buggy and talked on his phone during the majority of our shopping trip. The other part he stood in the buggy in the card isle doing the chicken dance.(Yes I did get quite a few strange looks.) He also has been playing a lot with the 5-10 french fries from his playfood set. He has them doing and being lots of things. Today he said they had company and he needed to find some money to put in his pocket?? He found some in the refrigerator. I wish I would have known that was where the stash was kept. :) He will put them all on the table and then "they will fall into the water". He will ask them "are you listening to me?" and I am not sure what their response is but his next comment is "you need to listen to me" He tells them to "be careful" "watch out" "have fun" "you love your brother don't you" These are just some things I heard today. There was other playing in between what I just shared. These just captured my attention. :)
Logan's smartness and imagination has started to become a challenge in the disciplining department. Just as I was typing this Logan came out of his room and said he needed to go peepee. I said okay go. (side note: he has not quite mastered the pants up and down thing but we are working on it and trying to encourage him to want to do it on his own) So from the bathroom I hear "Mommy why aren't you minding me?" It was said in a sweet not rude voice but needless to say we definitely had a conversation about kids minding adults and not the opposite. Oh the joys of a too smart for his own good almost 3 year old.
Logan's smartness and imagination has started to become a challenge in the disciplining department. Just as I was typing this Logan came out of his room and said he needed to go peepee. I said okay go. (side note: he has not quite mastered the pants up and down thing but we are working on it and trying to encourage him to want to do it on his own) So from the bathroom I hear "Mommy why aren't you minding me?" It was said in a sweet not rude voice but needless to say we definitely had a conversation about kids minding adults and not the opposite. Oh the joys of a too smart for his own good almost 3 year old.
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