Saturday, September 12, 2009


Taking a break from playing to take a picture

Logan loves to read. He is a very good storyteller. He normally reads before naps. Above his tiredness did not allow him to finish the book.

The boys enjoyed playing with Gramps on the floor

Logan loves to play with Daddy's phone. He also loves to be on the computer. He navigates his PBS kids sites very well and enjoys learning and playing the games.

Having fun together

Playing in the tent

Andrew has discovered the magnets. He is very good at taking them all off. We need to work on the putting them back part :)

In other news, we are so excited and ready to meet cousin Natalie. Amber is scheduled to delivery next Thursday. Please keep Amber and Natalie in your prayers.

1 comment:

Amber said...

I enjoyed the pictures and cannot wait to see you all!