Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Jonathan


We hope you have had a wonderful day!

Play Time

Andrew enjoying his exersaucer after nap today

Andrew learning new tricks.

Logan getting in on the fun.

Love this look. Andrew trying to figure it out.

This star seemed to be Andrew's favorite today

Cute boy!

Checking out the surfing bear for the first time!

We enjoyed snuggling and chatting as a family in our bed this morning. Logan wanted to hold Andrew. Such sweet brothers.

Floor time. We were practicing rolling over and getting some tummy time. I love this little drooling boy!

I tried to take the double photo off but for some reason I am unable to right now. So you get to enjoy it twice. :)

Andrew in Action

Andrew has been talking a lot especially during diaper changes. I try to capture it but by the time I get my camera he has said most of what he wanted to say. We also pulled out the exersaucer and johnny jumper this weekend. Andrew tried the exersaucer out today and really likes it. He can already manuever himself all the way around. We plan on seeing how he does with the jumper tomorrow.

My Big Little Man

Logan woke up Friday morning with a crick in his neck. He was quite fussy at first and hurting. Throughout the morning he was very cautious and wanted me to carry him everywhere. When I asked him if he wanted to put ice on it he said "No I just want ice water" So throughout the day when it would hurt he would cry for his ice water cup "to make it better" I also have been doing a lot of massaging per Logan's request. We had a good day together. I was concerned about it but he seemed to act normal besides the cautiousness and holding his neck stiff. I held off giving him Motrin to make sure he did not spike a fever. No fever all day so I gave him Motrin and he slept well last night. This morning he woke up better but throughout the day has cried about it hurting. From my research I guess he is having spasms and it may last a few days. I have to admit it has been frustrating not being able to fix it for him. Poor little man. I pray that it goes away soon. I guess if he is not better by Monday we will call the doctor. Above is a picture of him yesterday on the couch nursing his neck. You can see the smirk on his face knowing Mommy was taking his picture.

Who would not want to wake up to this face. He makes the silliest faces!

My smart boy! Logan continues to amaze us. He is doing so well. He continues to learn how to spell new words and knows all of his letter sounds and enjoys sounding words out. He also just puts random letters together and sounds out his made up word. Since his neck was hurting today and movement makes it worse he got to play on the computer. He was so excited. It amazes me how well he can navigate and us the mouse. Billy asked as I was taking this picture, Is is wrong that our two year old is using the computer? I did not really know the answer but it is definitely a thing he will need to know so I guess it is never to early to learn. We just can't make it an all day thing :)

Thursday night Logan asked Billy to take his picture before dinner. He was all smiles.

Logan is such a great big brother. He is not overly concerned about Andrew but always makes sure he is being taken care of. It is so sweet when he gives Andrew a hug. It is a true embrace even with patting on the back. It melts my heart to see. He also enjoys holding him and randomly asks to do so throughout the day. As you can see in the picture above Andrew adores his big brother as well.

Logan has been working on writing. He enjoys tracing the letters and shapes. He traces very well. Above is a sample of his work he did all by himself. Below you can see how proud he was of it. Mommy and Daddy were very proud too.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Andrew Three Months Old

Three month chair picture! What a cutie!

You can see month one and two pictures here

Enjoying his toys in his bobby

Trying out his bumbo seat yesterday. I think he liked it.

Above, Enjoying looking at himself in the mirror and practicing clasping his fists
Below, Enjoying flying with Daddy and grinning real big when his drool got Daddy

I can't believe Andrew is already three months old. Time is flying by. He is such a joy. He continues to be very laid back. He sleeps well at night 9pm-4am usually then back to sleep til 9ish. Naps and day time feedings are still not as scheduled. Some days he sleeps more than others. Some days he eats more than others. :) I guess this goes with the laid back personality. Now when I say laid back don't get me wrong, we still have fussy and crying moments :) Andrew had found his hands and loves to suck on his fists and practice clasping his hands together. He is drooling like crazy and can make a beautiful spit bubble :). He enjoys being in his boppy while smiling at, kicking and hitting his toys. Andrew still loves to swing and takes a lot of naps there. He has become ticklish and does a cute little grunt series as a laugh. His smile and open mouth grins still melt our hearts. He has not been much of a talker but last night at church was really cooing alot and even maybe a real giggle. He stil likes his paci however when we aren't there to give it to him he is good about using his fist while waiting on us. He is not as fond of music as Logan was but loves it when Logan, Mommy or Daddy sing to him(last night was a song service so maybe that was what was behind all the cooing and smiles :) ) He still loves to be rocked chest to chest with his paci. He loves his baths and has yet to fuss during the bath (only when we take him out). Andrew is very wide eyed and alert and loves to look around. After the 4am feeding he is always all smiles and kicking during his diaper change but amazingly with a little rocking he goes right back to sleep. His poor little eyes esp his left is still clogged and he has had to have antibiotic drops off and on. Please continue to pray that these ducts clear so no surgery is in our future. Well I am sure there is much more I could write about our sweet Andrew but I guess that will be all for now. I better get off the computer and back to paying attention to them.
Days are challenging at times I am not going to lie but I will take the good with the bad and cherish every moment with both my boys. I am so blessed and thank God for our boys.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lots of Posts Below

I added lots of posts today so please scroll down and enjoy!

Visit with Gramps

Last week while at Amber's house. Gramps came over to play with the boys and help me while Amber had to go to a meeting at work. Luke and Logan had fun doing the barnyard dance with Gramps. Above the boys are giving Gramps a hug.

Story time with Gramps

Andrew having a chat with Gramps

Gramps playing with Logan and Luke

Thanks Gramps for coming over and helping me. We were still outnumbered but 2 to 3 is better than 1 to 3 :)

More Cousin/Sister Time

This time I braved the roads and traveled to Austin to see Amber and Luke. We enjoyed being together. Luke and Logan are really starting to play well together. When we got home I asked Logan what was his favorite thing he did at Auntie Am's house he said it was chasing Luke :) I think the above picture is funny. Logan is trying to read the book not wanting to stop because Andrew is fussing. Andrew is not liking being held this way and wants to be rescued. Luke is concerned about Andrew and thinks a gentle pat would make it all better. I am just smiling and reading like nothing is happening. Love it!

More story time pictures. Aren't their pj's cute. Auntie Am got them for the boys for Christmas. It is fun to dress them alike every once in awhile and we probably don't have much time til they will start protesting :) (by the way Amber Billy wants to know where our matching pj's were. We will have to work on that next time :) )
Auntie Am did a better job. Everyone much more content :)

The three enjoying their own story time :)
LtoR Andrew 2 months, Logan 2 years 8 months, Luke 18 months.

Thanks Auntie Am and Luke for letting us come see you. We miss you bunches and can't wait til the next visit.

Yard Work

Logan enjoyed helping Daddy clean out the flower bed and put mulch down.

I love this face Logan makes. I know your taking my pictures but I am going to act like I don't

Yard work is tough work. You can see the concentration on both faces :)

Making Music

Logan has been enjoying his recorder he got for Christmas. He has not learned how to put his fingers over the holes yet but has got the making noise down :) I have included a video of this lovely noise for you all to enjoy. There is Veggie Tales music playing in the background that your really cannot hear in the video but Logan actually does pretty good keeping up with the beat.

End of February Pictures

We got together at MeMe and Papa's farm with all the family the last weekend in February. There was 22 of us in the house! It was lots of fun especially with all the little ones ranging in age from 2 months to almost 8 years old. My cousin Cole commented that it reminded him of a daycare! We enjoyed seeing and visiting with everyone. While I was there I just kept looking around and thinking what a blessing it is to have family and thanking God that we are all healthy and able to spend time together. I look forward to our future get togethers. Above is Logan enjoying reading time with GeeGee (my mom).

Andrew enjoying a nap on Grandpa

The tropical storm force winds were a little cold and strong but the kids (big and small) bundled up and enjoyed playing in the maze field and flying a kite.

Daddy and Logan holding on tight to the kite. The winds made flying a kite a workout.

GeeGee and Grandpa

The kids took over the adult table :) LtoR Logan, Amber and baby, Luke, GeeGee with Marley, Ally, Sam and Madi. Andrew was asleep in bed.

Siblings: Stephanie, John and Amber

This is not from the farm but a cute one of Logan playing outside in our yard.

GeeGee and Marley (Marley is my brother's little girl isn't she beautiful :) )

Andrew having a chat with Auntie Am

Again not at the farm but some cute ones of Andrew enjoying his swing and playing on the floor.