Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sleep+Antibiotics=Happier Logan :) Brotherly Love+Unknown Sickness = Andrew now Sick :(

For the first couple of nights of Logan's sickness this past week he slept in his recliner a lot. Poor guy. I hated to see him this sick yet was glad he was able to sleep. (no matter where it was) Above he feel asleep while eating his snack and watching Veggie Tales. Below is a rare occasion for our Logan who thinks you only sleep when the sun in down and the moon is up. He laid on the floor a lot and would tell me he was tired. After he was feeling a little better and only having occasional coughing fits I decided it was time for him to go back to his bed. Logan was excited to get to sleep on the bean bag in his bed. It worked great to give him some elevation. It was also good for Billy and I. It allowed Logan to be back in his room which meant no more sleeping in the living room for us either. I am happy to report that Logan is doing much better and now just has the lingering occasional cough and running nose.

The reason for no clothes is because Logan is horrible at taking medicine. Since we had to take it 3 times a day I decided getting that many shirts dirty was not necessary and as we know Logan would much rather be in no clothes that be wearing clothes any day.

My sweet boy sleeping on the bean bag in his bed with Doggy by his side

Now for Andrew. He started Tuesday with a stuffy nose. He had his well check up on Wed.(14 lb 14 oz 251/2 in) He is infection free and they believe it is just a cold. He has not been running a fever however does cough on occasion. His sleeping at night has not been horrible but definitely has had a few set backs. It is so sad to hear him sneeze and cough throughout the night. I hate it. For being sick he has been in a good mood, still smiling and playing. It is actually funny because the doctor asked us if he was "talking". We told her no not really and that so far he has been not much of a "talker". Well I guess Andrew wanted to prove us wrong because he has been babbling ever since the appointment. Even despite the stuffiness he wakes up in the morning and just "talks" to the animals on his bumper pads. It is too cute.

So far Billy and I are doing good and no signs of the boys sharing with us yet. I pray that we stay clear and Andrew is feeling better real soon.

Happy Birthday Nana

We love you and hope you have a great day!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Logan a.k.a. "Buzz"

It was hot here on Tuesday and we just happened to be outside when the ice cream truck came by. We always hear it, but have never actually gone outside to get ice cream. So today I let Logan get some ice cream. He was so excited and used his manners well to the lady selling the ice cream. He enjoyed licking away. He did eventually go inside to finish his ice cream since it was melting so fast outside. He finished it at the table with a bowl and spoon. :)

Yesterday we decided Logan needed a haircut. We have been taking him to the barber but with it getting hotter, us trying to save money and no special pictures coming up we decided to buy clipper and do it ourselves for the summer. Logan did great. He was excited to get to sit like Grandpa did when he was here to visit a couple weeks ago. So the cut for Mommy will take some getting used to but Logan loves it. We were playing around making nicknames for each other. In the end Logan was "Buzz" and Andrew was "Fuzz". Logan told me "You sure are funny today" Below are some quick snaps at the table before Logan enjoyed his ice cream dessert for being such a big boy during the haircut.

Croup Croup Please Go Away We Don't Want You Any Day

Poor Logan has the croup. He went to bed Wed night with a few questionable coughs that Billy and I were praying was not a sign of a bad night to come. Well it was a bad night. He was back up at 11 wheezing. Logan sounded terrible. I hate listening to him struggle so to breath. We gave him some medicine and then Logan and I spent some time in the steamy bathroom while Billy got the breathing treatment ready.(I am so glad we purchased our own nebulizer and do not have to go to the ER for treatments) Logan took his treatment without too much fussing. He then spent a few hours in his recliner sleeping in the living room while Billy slept in the "big" recliner. I could hear his breathing back in our bedroom. Poor little man. He did eventually end up back in his bed. He woke up and told Billy he was going back to bed and did just that :) His breathing sounded better yeserday as the day progressed and we are continuing to give him medicine and breathing treatments. He told me yesterday when he woke up from his nap that he was having "troubles" I felt so sorry for him. Last night his breathing was not as bad but he still was up a lot and sleeping all over the house. Throughout all of this he is happy and been playing like Logan. Today his cough is getting looser so I pray he will be better soon. Thankfully it has just been the breathing and coughing issues. His nose has been clear of drainage or stuffiness. So sorry this is so long but that is the story on our Logan. Also please pray that the rest of us stay well. So far so good.

Rolling Right Along



Yea for Andrew!!

This morning after his 5am feeding and after I put him back down on his tummy I went to check on Andrew since he had been half talking half fussing for about 2o minutes. I found out why. He was on his BACK!! We were just wondering last night when he would start rolling over. He has done it again several times today. Now we just have to work on going from back to tummy so we don't have any more interruption in our sleep ;) Sorry the video is dark. I did not have the light on.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Today's Quote from Logan

As we were walking across the church parking lot this evening:

"Hey! That's the white van Daddy drives his friends in"

Andrew Four Month Old.....already?

4 month chair picture

Sweet Andrew. I love this grin. He loves to sit in the bumbo seat and watch the activities of the house.

Andrew had water for the first time 4/21/09. He was ready and loved it. As you can see :) He kept reaching for more when we would take it away. Also later when I was drinking a glass of milk and hold him he was reaching and wanting a drink. The grabbing everything begins :) We plan on starting rice cereal soon. Probably after his dr appt next week.

Andrew helping Daddy hold the water. We decided to go ahead and give it to him in a sippy cup. He took it great.

Andrew enjoying his fist. He can get the whole thing in. And yes he does gag himself from time to time. Poor guy! Everyone says he must be teething. Who knows? No sore gums or teeth seen yet.

Andrew still loves to jump and is getting really good at it. It brings so many memories of Logan jumping in the same spot.

Sweet grin. We have heard an occasional giggle but no real big belly laugh yet. These giggles come with tickling esp at his neck and when you hold him up and let him drop a little (I know this sounds bad just not sure how to describe it but know that no we do not just let him is a guided drop I guess :) )

Andrew loves his exersaucer and really maneuvers himself well. He likes to play with the toys.

Who am I??.....cousin Luke :) Andrew loves to gnaw on his fists, suck on his fingers and Drool Drool Drool !!

Happy Boy!

Andrew enjoying floor time on his blanket made by Grandma. We try to practice rolling over but I have to admit with Logan around Andrew spends not as much time on the floor. However he does enjoy it and even plays for a good amount of time on his tummy. He is so cute in his bed. He now holds his head up good to look around while resting on his elbows

Andrew sleeps on his tummy, actually stays covered up, likes his paci to go to sleep and his fist any other time. He goes to bed between 8-9pm wakes 4-5am to eat (sometimes an extra 2-3am fussy period :( ) then back to sleep til 8:30-9:30am.

Andrew loves his big brother Logan. When he hears him he is always trying to find him. Logan can be rough at times but thankfully Andrew doesn't mind most of the time. It is so cute to hear Logan just randomly come up gently hug Andrew and say "I love my brother" and Logan always has to give him a kiss too.

I put the activity tray on the swing the other day. Andrew is really getting good at holding his toys. He like to take the rings in each of his hands and try to pull them apart. He also likes to take his paci out and play with it. He has not mastered putting it back in though :)

Andrew loves his hands. He has been drooling a lot and it is amazing how he can get his whole fist in his mouth. :)

Our happy boy playing in the swing.

I can't believe Andrew is 4 months old. He is such a joy! We got busy and did not make his dr appt til late so no stats yet. I will post them after his appt next week.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend Billy was gone on a youth retreat. My mom and step-dad came to visit and help out with the boys. We also got the pleasure of taking care of Luke my nephew while my sister, Amber and her husband Jonathan got some much deserved alone time. Here are some pictures from the weekend. They are not in order, but hopefully you can get an idea of the fun we had. Also Sunday was a little crazy so I am sad to say I did not get any pictures of the boys in their church attire. Just image 3 cute little boys all in navy pants and white polos smiling their sweet little smiles. They were very cute :)

Above is Luke and Logan racing. After the chocolate (explained further down) we took the boys outside to get some energy out. They loved racing.

Luke trying out the worm

Logan stopping to give Mommy a smile during the race.

Luke was ready to go

They had so much fun and even traded "vehicles" without a fuss.

Andrew enjoying his bouncer outside

Luke and Logan

GeeGee bought Chocolate bunnies for the boys for Easter. They loved them. Luke's eyes were so big and I think he would have ate the whole thing in 5 bites if we would have let him. (don't worry Amber and Jonathan we only allowed him to eat some of the bunny not all :)) Logan was just as excited. He LOVES chocolate. He too was restricted on eating the whole thing.
GeeGee and Logan decided they needed some ice cream to wash down the chocolate bunny. Mommy after some hesitation gave the okay. Hey it's not all the time we get to celebrate!

Logan's snack: chocolate bunny and vanilla ice cream. YUMMY!

We went swimming at the rec center. I did not get too many pictures since safety was more important than pictures. :) Above is Luke enjoying the water. At first he was not happy and did not like being in the pool but after a moment he warmed up and loved it. He loved putting his face in the water and going down the slide. He wanted to go down the slide over and over. Below are a few of the first photos I took. I was trying to capture the event before I got wet. However I hated that Luke was crying so I had Grandpa snap the above picture to prove Luke did enjoy it. Logan once again loved the water and even did the slide all by himself (climbing up,sliding,landing and back to the climbing) Such a big boy.

While Billy was gone Luke got to share a room with me. He was a great roommate. He looked so sweet I just had to get a picture.

Logan bouncing

Luke enjoyed taking his turn bouncing.

Luke was so cute. He would bounce and jump at the same time as Logan.

I helped Luke take his turn to bat

GeeGee, Luke and Logan enjoying kicking the balls

Andrew enjoying Grandpa's lap outside. It will not be long (too soon I'm afraid) before Andrew is running around too.

Logan "helping" Luke out the door.

Don't worry Luke did hold his own with Logan's "helping" and had lots of fun opening and shutting the door. Cute boy!

Grandpa getting in on the ball fun

We enjoyed the beautiful weather on Friday. The boys loved playing outside.

GeeGee and Logan enjoying a game of Memory while Andrew watched.

I thought I would include a few videos I took of Luke for Amber and Jonathan to enjoy. Thanks again for letting him come. I love my Luke!