Sunday, January 25, 2009

Logan's Activities

Logan's Tent
He loves to sleep in his tent.

After reading stories Logan takes his books in his tent "reads" them and when I return...
Logan showing off some of his Christmas presents.
He loves his Thomas shirt and pushing the button (it makes train sounds) The first time he put on his new shoes he said "these are perfect"

Logan "being messy" with his chocolate pudding

He does not let any of it go to waste :)

Logan loves technology already and can navigate Daddy's
I Phone very well ( he teaches Mommy)

Logan's favorite "video" Word World. He loves these and learns so much. He can spells many words and is sounding words out when he does not recognize them. He also loves to dance and sing to the theme song.

These are just a few things going on in our house with Logan. He is a very active 2 1/2 yr old and getting smarter every day. He keeps us on our toes and entertains us often. We love you Logan!

Andrew is One Month Old

I cannot believe that Andrew is one month old already. He has grown so much. We went to visit the nurses where I work and also to weigh Andrew. He weighed 10 lbs 10.5 oz. clothed and diaper on. Wow he is growing fast!! He holds his head up very well even though it does still wobble and can turn his head from side to side while on his tummy. He has started to follow toys with his eyes and loves it when we talk to him. He has the sweetest little grins. He is sleeping pretty well at night with only waking up to eat every 3-6 hrs and after a diaper change normally goes right back to sleep. He prefers his tummy to sleep. We tried the side and back thing for awhile but after fussiness and crying occurred over and over we flipped him over. He sleeps so much better on his tummy and even enjoys being awake on his tummy. He takes a long (3-4 hr) afternoon nap but in the morning and evening mainly wants to be held chest to chest and sucking on his pacifier. He loves this position and the front carrier has been a lifesaver when trying to get housework done and taking care of Logan. Andrew just straps in and "hangs"out with Mommy. As the second child he has taken some "extra love" and "care" from Logan with stride and seems to not be too bothered by it. Andrew is such a blessing to our family and I am looking forward to the changes and growth to come yet I desire just to cherish each moment with him and I thank God each day for such a wonderful gift. I love my little boy!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Potty Training now Trained :)

Disclaimer: This is a post about "potty things" so if these "things" disturb you, you may want to skip this post :)

Since Logan was not interested at all this summer and with Andrew's birth soon we had decided that two in diapers was our destiny (at least for a while) and that we would tackle the potty training this summer once the newness of Andrew wore off and the chances of reverting lessened. Well Logan had other plans.
Andrew had just turned 2 weeks old and the tiredness of a newborn and a two year had sunk in for Mommy and Daddy. This is when Logan decides to show us he had peepeed in a cup while in the bathtub. (the water had ran out and he was about to get out and the cup was one we used in the rinsing off process) Needless to say we were surprised and our first reaction was to discipline him for such an act, but in quick thought we went with it. We begin talking about peeing in the potty instead and got excited about the thought that he went even though it was in a cup. The months prior when asked if he wanted to go all we would ever hear is "No!" so this was progress as gross as it was. Thoughts of my son peeing in any cup started to haunt me :) Anyways we decided to go with it and see how it went but not push him. The next day when at the studio getting Andrew's pictures he told the photographer "I am a big boy and wear Thomas underwear" I was so surprised. I thought wow I guess we really are going to do this. (I have to say I was not that excited at first remember I just had a baby two weeks before and was adapting to all the tiredness and newness of that) On the way home we stopped by Target and Billy and Logan picked out his Thomas the Train underwear and Logan vowed to keep Thomas dry and clean. :) The next morning (Friday) I started a sticker chart and explained to Logan that he got to pick out a sticker and put it on the chart every time he went in the potty. With Thomas on, the potty training began. It went great. The first day I took him every 30min to 1 hour and he only had one accident. Logan was very excited and was doing great. By day 3 he was staying dry through naps and even pooping in the potty and not even wanting the stickers. By one week he was telling us when he needed to go and even went in a public bathroom. It was comical him standing on my feet and me praying he did not spray all over me while he kept saying "it's coming...oh it's not it's coming" but he did it and to say I was excited was an understatement. (the joys of motherhood :) It has now been about 2 weeks and Logan is doing great! I am so proud of him. He is such a big boy! So in the end I did not think it was the perfect timing but it all worked out and actually me being home 24/7 and Logan getting some extra attention worked out well.

Thoughts from a Toddler

In preparation for Logan becoming a big brother we bought some "Big Brother" books and began to read them to Logan. One of the books explains how babies can't walk, talk, eat apples, etc. Upon meeting Andrew for the first time in the hospital Logan starting telling others around him that Andrew could not walk. I immediately assumed he was remembering the books we had been reading and promptly agreed with him. (Remember that at this point we were at the hospital and Andrew was nicely swaddled in a blanket.) Fast forward to our homecoming the next day. I was taking Andrew out of his carseat and introducing him to his new home when Logan blurts out "Hey Andrew has feet!!" Logan thought Andrew did not have feet and that is why he concluded he could not walk.

During the pregnancy when asked where Andrew was Logan would nicely respond "In Mommy's tummy" and he quickly transitioned into the idea that Andrew was no longer in Mommy's tummy after Andrew was born. However today I discovered (thanks to Logan) that "Andrew is not in Mommy's tummy no more, just milk" ( I am nursing)

When asked if Andrew could go home with them by a visitor Logan quickly says with concern
"NO Andrew go home with Mommy, Daddy and Logan because we love him."

Monday, January 12, 2009

Picture Post

The joys of trying to blog with two boys :)

We were playing with the camera today and I thought I was just taking a picture of Logan and myself. Andrew slipped in :)
I love my boys!

My two boys rocking

Logan loves to help Andrew with his paci when he loses it. He is pretty gentle for the most part :)

Before bed each night Logan gives "kiss, hug and a love you" Andrew is not left out!

Andrew is awake most of the mornings and wants to be held. This has been a lifesaver especially with potty training in full swing for Logan (that will be a whole other post) Andrew loves just hanging out with Mommy. :)

Beautiful sleeping baby. I have a picture just like this of Logan. Maybe I will post it later. The two pictures are very similar.

Andrew likes tummy time and has already turned his head from side to side. Tummy time usually ends with him asleep. He takes very long afternoon naps like this.

I love these feet!

Our prince Andrew!

Sweet brothers


Trying out our new double jogging stroller

Our Andrew


Andrew sleeping while Logan is being a Superhero
Logan being a superhero

Align Center
Our superhero to the rescue
Helping unload the dishwasher

Logan just randomly the other night put on his sunglasses (upside down to be exact) and said he was a superhero. It was so funny. It is also amazing that Andrew just sleeps through all the noise.

First Stroller Walk and Other Activities

Logan had a fun time making a gingerbread man house with GeeGee and Mommy. We really missed Auntie Am. She had bought it to do with Logan then ended up being sick and did not get to come visit. We also enjoyed the warmer weather and took Andrew on his first stroller walk around the block. He enjoyed the first half but his hunger pains spoiled the second half and he had to be carried back home :) Logan continues to be a great big brother. He asks often now to hold him and loves to hold Andrew.