Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat....Maybe

This was Logan's first year to Trick or Treat in our neighborhood. Our neighborhood is very popular and we have LOTS of kids and adults come by. Everyone just sits in their driveways and passes out candy. Logan was a train conductor this year. To say he loves trains is an understatement. He wakes up and goes to bed saying "Play trains with me?" He put his costume on with so much excitement, but after seeing the crowds of costumes and people looking at him he was pretty much done. He enjoyed observing all the people, but could care less about getting candy. This really was not too much of a disappointment. He has plenty more years to rot his teeth :).

We made it a few houses down and then just went back home and enjoyed passing out candy in our driveway.

This was our first year to be at home and pass candy out. Kids start coming at 6pm and it doesn't slow down til 9pm. Even with the large amount of candy we thought we had we only made it for about an hour and then had to go inside. Logan enjoyed passing candy out to some, but he was frightened by the scary costumes (which their seemed to be a lot). So he was happy to go inside :)

All in all it was a good night. We have our Trunk or Treat at church tonight which should be fun and I think Logan will enjoy it more since he will know the people and not be surrounded by strangers. We hope everyone else had a safe and fun Halloween.


Amber said...

I am so excited that you started a blog too! I like Logan's costume. I want to play trains with you Logan!

Amanda Parsons said...

Jacob really like the video........I had to replay it a few times. He says, "Hi, Logan!"

Dawn said...

I love the videos. And I love Logan's costume...he's too cute! I'm glad you and Amber have will be easier to keep in touch, since we don't see you as often as we would like. I have more clothes for Logan, let me know when you'll be in Austin.