Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cousin/Sister Time

Sweet smiles and laughter!

Logan enjoyed showing Luke his fish. I think Luke liked them! :)

Luke and Logan having fun in the tent. My living room looked like a explosion of toys had gone off. These boys had lots of fun playing together. They are fun to watch. They did pretty well with only an occasional hit or push which to their dislike ended in a few time outs for both.

Taking a break from running around to catch up on some reading.

Learning time!

Present time! Since sickness hit our families we did not get to open presents with the Weeds. Here is sweet Luke playing with the ribbon from his present.

Luke and Logan trying out Luke's new cars.

I loved having Auntie Am and Luke come to visit. Our visits are definitely different now that we have children. We noticed conversations were much harder and never were finished without many interruptions. However we did not let the chattering, banging, singing, yelling, crying, whining, laughing, learning, reading, disciplining, talking, pulling, pushing, hitting, spilling, playing, spitting, burping, cleaning, cooking, straightening, pottying, building, bathing, dressing or diapering hold us back too much. :) We love you Auntie Am and Luke and can't wait til you come again. :)

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