Sunday, July 19, 2009

Andrew 7 months

Smiling 7 months old boy!

Andrew is now sitting up and has mastered a graceful fall when he is ready to roll around.

Andrew is rolling, scooting and turning and is getting more and more mobile.

Big boy sitting up and playing. Everything goes to his mouth. Still no teeth yet. We plan on trying fruits and veggies again in the month to come. We pray his tummy handles it better. Andrew is still waking up at night one to two times. He was sick with a cold last week so the sleeping through the night plan had a set back :(

Andrew has the sweetest grin and faces.

Ready to eat

Andrew lets us know he is unhappy not by having a typical cry instead he grunts. One new thing Andrew has started doing is scrunching up his nose and mouth and blowing air in and out of his nose. (hard to explain) Above is him captured in the act.

He still randomly sucks on his first two fingers.

Andrew we love you so much and so excited to watch you grow.

Below is a video of Andrew on the move and a very short clip of Andrew's sniffing thing.(it is at the beginning)

1 comment:

Amber said...

7 months already!?! We enjoyed watching the videos.