Friday, July 3, 2009

Thousand Oaks Ranch Camp

Andrew was exhausted and it was only the first day. This was the day we traveled and he did not get as long of a nap. He fell asleep in the mess hall while we were eating dinner. It was so loud in there I could not believe he was sleeping. Poor guy! He did get his long naps the other days.

Andrew enjoyed jumping while I got dressed each morning.

The boy campers waiting to go canoeing and fishing on the back porch of the lake house.

Andrew slept through all the activities around to Lake House and I was very excited to have my hands free to help make and pass out snow cones.

Chase and Sydney our niece and nephew came with us to camp. Here is Chase trying to catch a fish.

Both Sydney and Chase enjoyed getting to spend some time with Andrew.

Andrew got good use of his quilt Great Aunt Donna made him. He would roll and play on the floor and tables even :)

Sydney fishing

My boys. They had lots of fun but were tired and ready to load up and go home.

Our family

Logan, Andrew and I tagged along with Billy again this year to Thousand Oaks Ranch Camp (the camp we take our 3rd-6th graders to) Last year I was 13-14th week pregnant with Andrew so technically this was his 2nd year to go :) We enjoyed "the youth ministers wives" lake house. It was nice getting to interact with the kids and seeing Daddy some too. This year Logan got a special treat and went and spent a few days at GeeGee and Grandpa's house. He had lots of fun. So much fun that there was no time for pictures but according to GeeGee and Logan they have great memories and did not need pictures :)

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