Monday, October 19, 2009

Andrew's 10 months old Oh my!

10 month chair picture

Look how long those legs are getting. I love Andrew's sweet nose grin.

This last month has been a lot of adjusting for Andrew. He has done great. After just a little crying and sleep training he is now sleeping through the night! It actually went fairly smooth and I only shed a few tears. Now nap time was another issue and during the training, naps did not exist and a lot of my tears were shed. It was awful to listen to him cry, but he is doing so much better now. He is taking at least one good nap a day (sometimes two depending on his wake up time) and sleeping well at night with only an occasional wake up. The other adjustment has been his tummy and foods. With his daily prunes he is doing much better and is very excited to start eating a larger variety of baby foods and begin trying solid foods. He loves to eat and uses a sippy cup well. Below he is cheering to finally start eating solid foods :)

Andrew and Logan continue to be a pair. They both light up when they see one another. They chase one another and "talk" back and forth which mainly consists of Logan making a sound and Andrew repeating it. However fighting and picking and jealousy occur quite often with these two. If Logan is on my lap Andrew will come up and want to be in my lap too while at the same time pushing Logan away. They are a mess. It is hard to know when to step in and when to let them work it out. Below are my two boys in action.

Little cutie! He cruises furniture and toys very well, but is not walking yet. He is very smart and understands a lot. I love his sweet little voice. Andrew is not really talking yet at least not in known words He just talks in sounds and changes the pitch. He does say Hi, Yeah, Bubba, Mama, Dada. Bye Bye.

Still no teeth. However he is very good at gumming his food.

During the week he refused to nap we would let him cry for a max of one hour (checking on him every 5 , 10, 15 minutes) and then get him up without a nap. Needless to say we were all very tired and fussy in the late afternoon. Most of the time he wound fall asleep in our arms. He would be so cute and quiet. One afternoon when I in need of a break Billy took Andrew while Logan and I ran to the store. Above is what we found when we came home. Did I mention the quiet was nice :) I am so glad Andrew is sleeping well now, but man the day crying about did me in. It was awful. It just about broke this mama's spirit and heart.

Andrew I am so proud to be your Mommy and enjoy watching you become you. I pray that you grow up to be a follower of Christ and live for Him. I love you! (thank you for sleeping through the night while allowing me to break the sleep book rules and continue to rock you to sleep. I enjoy our time so much)

1 comment:

Amber said...

Way to go on the sleeping, Andrew. Can he really be 10 months old? He looks so big in the pictures.