Thursday, October 29, 2009

Logan's Class Party

My cute little Superman.

Logan does not know anything really about Superman except he is a superhero and wears a cape. However, when asked what he wanted to be he said Superman and never altered so Superman it is.

Logan's school had their Halloween party and carnival today. It was so much fun to go play and watch Logan.

Logan's class (minus one)
Back row: (L to R) Burke, Erin, Logan, Ashley, Kendall, Andrew, Amber
Front row: Deklan, Hunter, Kirkland, Molly

Logan playing his favorite game at the carnival. The pumpkin bean bag toss. Logan was so excited to have both Billy and I there to watch and play. (We left Andrew at home with Margy. Thanks Margy!)

Logan waiting patiently to go get treats. :)

Getting treats!
Funny how he is into getting candy this year, but besides some of the chocolate not really into eating it.

When buying candy for his party Logan was too sweet making sure the color of the candy matched his friends favorite colors.
When asked who his favorite friends are he said Kendall, Burke, Deklan and Andrew.

Circle time. Mrs. Cindy is reading them a "scary" story

Enjoying a Halloween feast with his friends.

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